BRUMAS...Carlos Eduardo Muniz


Isabel Furini

a través de la bruma

el juego de las pasiones...

a través de la bruma

tu amor se esconde...

a través de la bruma

mi amor esta perdido...

a través de las brumas

las voces silenciosas,

las miradas que hablan,

el toque de las manos...

a través de las brumas

el beso robado...

a través de las brumas

el saludo com la mano no dado...

a través de las brumas

el poder de la imaginación...

Carlos Eduardo Muniz

El poeta Carlos Eduardo Muniz (in memoriam) se graduó en Publicidad y Propaganda en Faculdades do Brasil (UNIBRASIL) donde participó en un concurso nacional entre colegios, obteniendo el 2° lugar, con su poesía publicada en el libro Contos & Poemas de uma Noite de Novembro.  Participó de la Antología Ángeles y Arcángeles, organizado por Isabel Furini. Sus poemas participaron en exposiciones organizadas por Carlos Zemek que se realizaron en la Biblioteca Pública de PR, en el Museo de Arte Sacro de Curitiba y en la Galería R Van R, en Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Isabel Furini

through the haze

the game of passions...

through the haze

your love hides...

through the haze

my love is lost...

through the mists

the silent voices,

the looks that speak,

the touch of hands...

through the mists

the stolen kiss...

through the mists

the greeting with the hand not given...

through the mists

the power of imagination...

Carlos Eduardo Muniz

The poet Carlos Eduardo Muniz (in memoriam) graduated in Advertising and Propaganda from Faculdades do Brasil (UNIBRASIL) where he participated in a national contest between schools, obtaining 2nd place, with his poetry published in the book Contos & Poemas de uma Noite of November. He participated in the Angels and Archangels Anthology, organized by Isabel Furini. His poems participated in exhibitions organized by Carlos Zemek that were held at the Public Library of PR, at the Museum of Sacred Art of Curitiba and at the R Van R Gallery, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.


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