Los amantes de Rene Magritte

Los amantes de Rene Magritte

The lovers of Rene Magritte

Los amantes es una pintura de Rene Magritte creada en París durante el año 1928, esta obra de arte es de estilo surrealista.

Ronda el misterio sobre esta pintura ya que hay muchas hipótesis sobre el motivo que llevo a Rene a  pintarla, algunos la atribuyen a un amor prohibido, otros a las relaciones sin compromiso, lo cierto es que en su juventud tuvo un episodio que lo traumo, el suicidio de su madre. Vió como sacaban a su madre del rio, con una tela que tapaba su cabeza.

Es importante  mencionar que no le gustaba dar declaraciones de tema, estas teorías no pudieron ser confirmadas pero sin duda influyo en su obra.  No le gustaba explicar sus obras, pretendía que cada uno le hiciera suya y la interpretara a su manera.

Se puede apreciar a una pareja besándose con los rostros tapados por una tela, evitando ser reconocidos. Es un óleo sobre lienzo que mide 54,2 cm por 73cm. lo interesante de esta obra es el  contraste entre los colores fríos y cálidos que generan un ambiente nostálgico y la representación es en realidad subjetiva. Dicha obra se encuentra en el museo MoMA de Nueva york.

The lovers of Rene Magritte

The Lovers is a painting by Rene Magritte created in Paris during the year 1928, this artwork is surreal in style.

There is a mystery around this work since there are many hypotheses about the reason that led Rene to paint "The Lovers", some attribute it to a forbidden love, others to relationships without commitment, the truth is that in his youth he had an episode that traumatized him, his mother's suicide. He saw how they took his mother out of the river, with a cloth covering her head.

It is important to mention that he did not like to give statements on the subject, these theories could not be confirmed but they undoubtedly influenced his work. He did not like to explain his works, he wanted each one to make it their own and interpret it in their own way.

You can see a couple kissing with their faces covered by a cloth, avoiding being recognized. It is an oil on canvas measuring 54.2 cm by 73cm. The interesting thing about this work is the contrast between the cold and warm colors that generate a nostalgic atmosphere and the representation is actually subjective. This work is in the MoMA museum in New York.


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