Las etapas de la vida Friedrich
"Las etapas de la vida" Caspar David Friedrich
Esta obra fue pintada por el artista Alemán Casper David Friedrich unos cinco años antes de su muerte, dejando entrar al romanticismo a su piais.
A Friedrich lo marco la muerte de su hermano, quien perdió la vida luego de haberlo rescatado del hielo. Su sentimiento de culpa y nostalgia lo acompañan en todas sus obras.
Este cuadro, como otras muchas obras de Friedrich, es una reflexión sobre su propia mortalidad y la transitoriedad de la vida.
El titulo de la pintura nos ayuda a interpretarla mejor podría ser la infancia, la juventud y la vejez o el pasado, presente y futuro... los 5 barcos como las personas representan una edad, un momento vital. el mas grande esta mas cercano a la orilla haciendo referencia a la muerte.
Se cree que el artista evitó representar lugares y personas reales, los científicos especialistas especulan que la pintura muestra a su familia.
A pesar que el artista se aleja de los gustos de su época, se lo considera uno de los referentes del Romanticismo, dejando a la historia de el arte muchos personajes que no muestran su rostro o que nos dan la espalda los cuales podríamos ser cualquiera de nosotros.
Casper David Friedrich muere en 1840 a los 65años. El barco había llegado a la orilla
"The stages of life" Caspar David Friedrich
This work was painted by the German artist Casper David Friedrich some five years before his death, letting romanticism into his piais.
Friedrich was marked by the death of his brother, who lost his life after having rescued him from the ice. His feeling of guilt and nostalgia accompany him in all his works.
This painting, like many other works by Friedrich, is a reflection on his own mortality and the transience of life.
The title of the painting helps us to interpret it better. It could be childhood, youth and old age or the past, present and future... the 5 boats, like the people, represent an age, a vital moment. the largest is closer to the shore making reference to death.
It is believed that the artist avoided depicting real places and people, specialist scientists speculate that the painting shows his family.
Despite the fact that the artist distanced himself from the tastes of his time, he is considered one of the benchmarks of Romanticism, leaving many characters in art history who do not show their faces or who turn their backs on us, who could be any of we.
Casper David Friedrich died in 1840 at the age of 65. The ship had reached the shore
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