Sr del destino de Elciana Goedert
El tiempo es realmente cruel
Nos hace de él prisioneros
Frágiles, como fino papel
En el mundo solo forasteros
"Implacable Señor del Destino"
Por muchos es asi llamado
Ante él, soy muy pequeño
Me rindo, me quedo postrado
Ah, si pudiera con él tener
Haría entonces esta solicitud:
"Por favor dame el poder
De volver a mi juventud"
Así haría lo que no hice
Quien se ha ido entonces visitaría
Cambiaría un momento infeliz
Mis locuras experimentaría
Sé que es mera utopía
Debo aceptar tu imposición
Y reflexionar sobre esta ironía:
La vida no tiene repetición!
Elciana Goedert (Ciça)
Elciana Goedert (Ciça), reside en Curitiba, pero nació en Ivaiporã, en el interior de
Paraná. Maestra de formación y poeta por inspiración, participa en numerosas antologías
y tiene 4 libros publicados: Eu e a Poesia* (Edições Maple, 2014), Sob a Ótica de Eros*
(Edições Catalina, 2016), Nutrisia* (Edições Marianas, 2017) y Amores em degradê (Ed.
Bem Cultural, 2022).
Es académica de la AVIPAF (Academia Virtual Internacional de Poesía, Arte y Fiosofía).
Más sobre el escritora en: y @elcianagoedert en
time is really cruel
He makes us prisoners of him
Fragile, like thin paper
In the world only strangers
"Relentless Lord of Fate"
For many it is so called
Before him, I am very small
I give up, I stay prostrate
Ah, if I could with him have
I would then make this request:
"Please give me the power
To go back to my youth.
So I would do what I didn't do
Who is gone then would visit
I'd trade an unhappy moment
I would experience my follies
I know it's mere utopia
I must accept your imposition
And ponder this irony:
Life has no repetition!
Elciana Goedert (Cica)
Elciana Goedert (Ciça), lives in Curitiba, but was born in Ivaiporã, in the interior of
Parana. A teacher by training and a poet by inspiration, she has participated in numerous anthologies
and has 4 published books: Eu e a Poesia* (Edições Maple, 2014), Sob a Ótica de Eros*
(Edições Catalina, 2016), Nutrisia* (Edições Marianas, 2017) and Amores em degradê (Ed.
Bem Cultural, 2022).
She is an academic of the AVIPAF (International Virtual Academy of Poetry, Art and Philosophy).
More about the writer at: and @elcianagoedert at
Muy lindo! (Gisela Maria Bester)